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120 Book Marketing Concepts to Trade Your Book in 2021

Are you an author that needs to market your book other than the conventional means? We have some interesting tips, tricks, and hacks for you to follow. It will not only give you a way to increase your reach to the target audience but it allows you to engage new customers of your work. These ideas are all easy for you to apply to your book marketing campaign but only require some vigilance and awareness of these new means of communication. It is important to engage the different platforms to be able to reach your targeted audience more holistically. We hope you enjoy the read and find valuable content for your marketing;

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Define a Target Audience

  • 1. Survey the demographics for your desired audience and tap the correct market for your content.
  • 2. Market your product with the right messaging for your target audience through comparative analysis.
  • 3. Determine how the readers find their books and book reviews online and otherwise.
  • 4. Conduct quantitative analysis of the books read and their liking among the readers.
  • 5. Define the main group of your target audience and refer to the note when posting a piece of content online for your book.
  • 6. Use Google Trends for Keyword searches by the audience regarding your genre of book.
  • 7. Make a list of the targeted platforms that your target audience uses to reach out to them.
  • 8. Use genre-specific platforms that would ensure the right reach to your book.

Plan an Attractive Book Cover

  • 9. Hire a decent designer to make an engaging cover for your book.
  • 10. Fresh and bright covers leave a lasting impression on the viewer
  • 11. Book covers have an appeal to the reader that creates interest in the consumer. Remember, The Great Gatsby?
  • 12. Get your designer to show you multiple covers to choose from and get reviews from people.
  • 13. Make consistent covers for a series of books to show continuity.
  • 14. Use similar titles or book art as an author to show consistency and recognizability.
  • 15. Re-launch a book cover, allows a second try at reaching the audience with the book.
  • 16. Try to get a blurb written by an influential personality that might interest your base.

Author Websites

  • 17. Create an author website to engage your followers for constant updates and feedback.
  • 18. Engage with your fans regularly to ensure their interest and connectivity.
  • 19. Use Search Engine Optimization techniques to optimize your website for better reach.
  • 20. Follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines to follow the protocols for designing the right website with good reach.
  • 21. Write an exceptionally charming author biography that gets the audience invested. Be personable.
  • 22. Host online events and give away merchandise to build a following.
  • 23. Sell merchandise online to fans forwarding your message across to other viewers.
  • 24. Write a column for young writers to inspire them about writing from your experience.
  • 25. Make a discussion page with FAQs and space for queries and inquiries.
  • 26. Make a user-friendly website that is easy to navigate and surf on all devices.
  • 27. Ensure online purchase of your book is available for your fans.

Optimize your Book

  • 28. Add cliffhangers in your sample of the book. Some sites offer a certain percentage of the book and then the viewer can buy it if it is an interesting read.
  • 29. Add excerpts in the book, they help in sales of the promoted book.
  • 30. Show a link to your mailing list. Make an incentive by sending a book chapter to them pre-release.
  • 31. Giveaways and merchandise can be given to the people who have subscribed to the mailing list.
  • 32. Quotes and interesting lines from the book should be put out before, they attract more viewers and have shown higher engagement. John Green made the word “Okay?” so popular and that led to much of the publicity of his book.
  • 33. Use target keywords on the web pages, incorporate them onto each retailer product page.
  • 34. UChoose the relevant categories in the retailers list so that you reach the desired readers and they find the right genre.
  • 35. Make sure that the book is globally available for everyone.

Blogging Ideas

  • 36. Post a blog regularly, keep the audiences engaged with any developments.
  • 37. Respond to Comments and Direct Messages to your platform.
  • 38. Use keywords in your blog to ensure good optimization of your blog.
  • 39. Consider doing guest blogging on another website. It is an excellent way to engage readers from other platforms.
  • 40. Submit your blog to directories to ensure enrollment to relevant lists.

Decide your Book Marketing Strengths

  • 41. Form a strong elevator pitch for your book to inform your readers
  • 42. Use polling software like PickFu to test variations of descriptions to see which one is better received by viewers.
  • 43. Use quotes and make vibrant images using free applications like Canva. This is an instant way to attract viewers.

Twitter Engagement

  • 44. Tweet updates about new books or releases on Twitter to inform your fan base.
  • 45. Use hashtags for events, news, promotions for your new book.
  • 46. Engage with your Twitter followers and answer with catchy and savage replies.

Run a Pre-Order Campaign

  • 47. Make books available for pre-order sales, this helps to create a buzz about the book.
  • 48. Launch an event for title release. Authors use animated videos to announce titles.
  • 49. Post the title and cover on popular blog sites that are popular with your readers and viewers.
  • 50. Give massive incentives for pre-ordering, such as merchandise and free chapters.
  • 51. Send a digital gift for your pre-order sales, including deleted content and book art.


  • 52. Attend different book events, pass out information about your book, and all relevant details.
  • 53. Go to book meet-ups and readers groups that will allow you space to publicize your book.
  • 54. Travel to regional book events. And interact with regional authors and readers at the exhibitions.
  • 55. Reach out to local and community clubs where books are sold and discussed, and small events are held.
  • 56. Reach out to schools, colleges, and universities that have your potential consumers.

General Online Ideas

  • 57. Plan an online book tour for your book with an organized online campaign
  • 58. Write an inviting press release to book retailers to announce your book.
  • 59. Have newsletters for your fans to subscribe to and inform them about your upcoming book
  • 60. Use Pay-per-Click services from Google to boost your sales for the book
  • 61. Many companies have website directories, submit your book entry to them to stay in the line
  • 62. Have a relationship with site owners who will publicize your book for you.
  • 63. Analyze what your competitors are doing to stay on top of the game.

Advertise on YouTube

  • 64. Create a YouTube channel to stay connected with your viewers.
  • 65. Update your Google Hangouts on YouTube for your fans
  • 66. Post about your YouTube videos on other social media platforms.
  • 67. Make small one-minute videos about your book and make them interesting and informative for the audience.

Sell Your Book on Amazon

  • 68. Register yourself as an author on Amazon.
  • 69. Utilize the advice that Amazon provides, including the information, and use it to better sell your books.
  • 70. Ask fans to review your books on Amazon. Get testimonials as well.


  • 71. Register yourself on Goodreads.
  • 72. Make an interesting bio and profile picture
  • 73. Install the Goodreads Author widget to your website.
  • 74. Promote your book on Goodreads for the fans.
  • 75. Update posts about your book regularly to keep the news flowing through people’s feeds
  • 76. Publicize the events regarding your book.
  • 77. Post interesting videos with comments interactions for fans.

Offline Marketing Tips

  • 78. Assemble a team for your book launch that you can rely on.
  • 79. Reach out to a local venue for your book launch.
  • 80. Go for a book tour. It’s a must.
  • 81. Consider a targeted advertisement for the fans..
  • 82. Go for an open-mic session for your specific genres and publicize your book
  • 83. Have multiple book readings for your book at various venues.
    • Coffee shops
    • Old age homes
    • Universities
    • Libraries
    • Bookstores
    • Hospitals
    • Rehabilitation facilities
    • Churches
  • 84. Reach out to your local newspaper and ask if they would be interested in interviewing you about your book.
  • 85. Contact the local radio station and ask them if they would like to talk to you about the new book.
  • 86. Join an affiliate program
  • 87. Collaborate with organizations, groups, and individuals that address a similar topic as your book

Book Publishing Strategies for the fans

  • 88. Offer previews to your dedicated fan base
  • 89. Give away advance copies to your fans.
  • 90. Have a space for a blog or article on your website and keep updating them
  • 91. Promote weekly stories on your social media platforms
  • 92. Conduct a topic suggestion contest on your website every once in a while, to engage your fans.
  • 93. Announce a contest for book cover illustration for extra copies.
  • 94. Host a contest where your fans enact a scene from the book
  • 95. Announce winners in a meet and greet for your book
  • 96. Celebrate your fans with a Fan of the Month award on the website.
  • 97. Ask fans to post a picture of them reading the book in interesting places.
  • 98. Announce the winners on social media for these contests.
  • 99. Write short stories based on fanfiction or alternate endings by fans for your book
  • 100. Hold seminars for young fan writers.

Make some Extra Effort

  • 101. Make a book trailer and surprise your fans with the book insights
  • 102. Offer to write articles for websites that have similar genres similar to your book.
  • 103. Conduct a webinar for young writers
  • 104. Publicize on a low-cost billboard to promote your book
  • 105. Write as a content writer for websites that need blogs and articles and publish content related to a specific genre to be able to promote your book.
  • 106. Donate your books too;
    • High, Junior, and Elementary schools
    • Daycare centers
    • Libraries
    • Camps
    • Community centers
    • Homeless shelters
    • Retirement centers
    • Colleges
    • Prisons
    • Children’s hospital
  • 107. Utilize publicity services

Author Podcasts

  • 108. Search Online for some podcasts that relate to your topic and send them requests to host you as a guest.
  • 109. Podcasts on YouTube are an invaluable service.
  • 110. Promote your book on former or elderly author YouTube channels and get author reviews and promotions from them.
  • 111. Listen to educational podcasts about books.
  • 112. Compare yourself to other competitors’ authors and the channels they promote themselves
  • 113. Start your podcasts about the book, review them and promote young authors too.
  • 114. Invest in low-cost software for the production of the podcast. For example; Wavepad.

Some Tricks of the Business

  • 115. Send your book to a producer and editor for opinion and reviews.
  • 116. When pitching a book, your pitch is everything for you. Make it appealing and a quick sell.
  • 117. Send your book for a media contract, write “requested material” on top of the envelope.
  • 118. Fun tip: Leave your book on a bus or train with a message, “Free book, give away when done reading.”
  • 119. Observe how other authors are being publicized on the websites, blogs, and shows.
  • 120. Carry your business card everywhere, and give it to everyone that you can to inform them of your presence and work.

We hope that the information, tips, and tricks provided are helpful for the young aspirants who are writing a book but are not aware of how to promote it to the audience. The world is your oyster, go out and explore different opportunities to write and promote your content. The conventional methods are now outdated and quite expensive that become a deterrent for young writers. But do not fret. Go and give it a go and you will figure it out. Use the tools available to you online now and most of it is free of cost, just requires a bit of your attention and awareness about the ways to reach out to your audience. If you can think of a story, it will find an audience for sure.

Book Marketing Facts

One of the major facts that most young authors omit from their promotional campaigns regarding their books is the knowledge of the platforms that allow exposure for the book. With our experience of the last 20 years, we have done tons of books and their publishing and one fact that we base our whole strategy on is that there are multiple ways for each book to be publicized.

Not all books have a mainstream market, but every book has a niche that it can cater to and we have identified the one that can help that specific author and book. Another fact that we have learned over the years is that books are not sold only because the story was great, multiple factors make a book successful; author loyalty, writing style, genre, book art, and series books.

Publicity in the time of social media is a different ball game altogether, you can use social media platforms to your benefit, engage your audience way before your release date with content other than your book. Your interactions can generate a great buzz for your book. Additionally, it is now proven that podcasts are the new book reviews. People listen to podcasts and they are a great tool for positive publicity, they have a regular audience that is connected because of their opinions and similar interests that permit an unsaid understanding of recommendations without even implying it is recommended sometimes.

Having said that, there is nothing like a good old book tour. People that still purchase hard copy books are old-fashioned and expect to be wooed at the book club or coffee shop. The younger generation is more adaptive and subscribes to online purchasing of the book or even reading on online applications. To cater to them one has to explore and engage the online options. Reaching out to conventional media outlets, radio stations, community centers, and educational institutions is still very much a popular practice and has many identifiable benefits for book publishing and promotions.

No two people are the same, similarly, no book will work a different promotional strategy. Define your book, audience, and purpose and then promote or even write your book. Each book has a different audience, niche, and platform that can give it the right reach and generate the right noise for the book. Identify that and explore those options.

Finally, it’s a business. Everyone needs each other to survive and grow. Help others out and it will come back around. Even a little direction to the right place may help you later in life. It is important to remember that the industry grows with every book or author doing well so it is important to be happy when someone else does well. It is a great opportunity for every author if a niche market book has exploded which means that it will open many doors for other young writers. Any industry will grow and last longer when new aspirants make their entry and keep the work fresh and interesting while offering diversity to the readers.

Video Testimonials

Our satisfied clients are the core reason for our success and reputation in the industry. We have a track record of delivering excellence through our services. The success of our clients is our motivation. Hence, our experts use an innovative approach and put conscious efforts into transforming the client’s ideas into a reality. By combining creativity, strategy, and technology, we make people’s dreams of becoming authors come true. Here’s what some of our clients say about our work

