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Business Book Marketing Services from Digital Book Labs

Digital Book Labs is a pro in the marketing field. It’s just because of their efforts that I appeared on several TV and radio shows, and have been featured in Forbes, USA today, and many other journals. I witnessed a spike in my book sales after I started working with them. Their team is highly professional with their work. It won’t be wrong to say that they under-promise and over-deliver. Although, it’s not possible to measure the exact effect of their services, however, I have observed nearly a million dollars increase in revenue ever since I started working with them.

Nicolas Reed
Author of Selling to the C-Suite
What Every Executive Wants You to Know About Successfully Selling to the Top

How Our Business Book Marketing Campaign Works

  • Enhances awareness about your work and improve its sales
  • Augments your reputation as an author in your field
  • Displays your knowledge and expertise
  • Grows more traffic and leads for your brand
  • Attracts fresh business openings
  • Positions you as a credible source for speaking engagements

Digital Book Labs is the pioneer of the book marketing industry. We have spent decades providing dynamic business book marketing services. We are not just limited to book promotion, but we also offer a wide array of services ranging from book promotion services to author branding, and everything that comes in between. We create bespoke strategies and tactics to market business books effectively. We ensure that our book promotion campaigns reach the powerful media, both the traditional one and the digital one, and deliver compelling pitches that garner positive responses. Our clientele is vast, including CEOs, consultants, entrepreneurs, brand owners, and speakers. Cutting it short: if you are looking to market your business book, we are here to help.

We efficiently create campaigns to distribute both the traditionally published and the self-published business books with our industry-leading successful tactics. We get to the core of your book’s message and polish it into well-placed pitches by making it go through the right writers, editors, producers, and hosts.

Digital Book Lab’s Way of Marketing A Business Book

Promoting business books is not just about boosting sales. These campaigns can help showcase you as an author, promoting you as much as the book. With our efficient author marketing services, we bring you into the spotlight by diverting media attention towards you and establish you as a professional in your field. Along with our business book marketing services, we also provide consultancies in which we provide content ideas and give mindful advice to businesses about their business book, show, or social media.

Many of our published books, every year, lie in the list of books that are successfully published. We ensure that your business book’s publicity is handled by expert publicists that have expertise in publishing business books. With decades of experience in the book PR industry, we have successfully promoted thousands of books, hence, we have extensive knowledge about ways to draw a deeper experience for each book campaign. Our experts create strategies that are 100% unique to you and your book.

Promote Yourself as An Author, Make Your Book Your Business Card

From L: TV Personality Cecily Tynan, Senior Publicity Manager Janet Shapiro, and Digital Book Labs client Sloane Davis

Entrepreneurs now write books targeted specifically to achieve comprehensive business goals. Times before practice was common, Digital Book Labs inclined in a story that made it to the Inc. Magazine which discussed the concept of “book and business card”. Dan, the founder of Digital Book Labs is accredited for coining these words and for finding the promotional view behind it. Your book and its coverage on media can provide you with numerous benefits that go beyond just increasing the sales of your books.
Our book PR agency has become the publicizing arm for business owners and companies, replacing the old traditional promotional strategies by bringing in the modern ones.

Bespoke Marketing Strategies for You and Your Book

At Digital Book Labs, when we create a plan for promoting and marketing business books, we blend different elements and trends of book publicity campaigns and combine them with author marketing tactics. Our prime motive is to augment your reputation as an author and make your book allure the media to get more coverage. We create excellent content for the social media channels and the author websites for publicity purposes as these things are as influential as your book getting featured in an interview or an article.

Media coverage can help you build a reputation as a professional author when your radio interviews or your show segments are aired on the channels or when the articles featuring your book are published. These achievements can be leveraged to make your career shine. In short, media coverage attracts more people and impresses them. It makes you an author, credible, and book-worthy. Once you and your work become prominent in the field, it opens more doors to success in the future.

Elements of an Effective Business Book Marketing Campaign

In our business book marketing campaigns, we make use of both traditional and digital media. Traditional media includes magazines and newspapers, and digital media that includes television, radio, and online media. We make use of these media services throughout the USA, and if asked by the client, in the UK, Canada, and other English media outlets operating worldwide. We also make use of the local and regional media outlets that the author is based in. Our campaigns include book mentions, features, listings, articles, author bios, author profiles, appearances on TV and radio shows, commentaries, and much more.

Bylined articles feature the name of the author at the beginning of the article and play a significant role in promoting businesses and business owners. In these articles, content is produced on a relevant topic in which your book is discussed. For example, articles such as top ten tips, how-to, or an article based on facts and case-study where your knowledge and expertise is used to resolve any problem or provide any new information. We plant the articles in the right media outlets and curate strategies for you to distribute your knowledge, contribute with blogs, or provide commentary through your expertise to reach the target audience for your book.

If you are in search of a book promoting firm with innovative ideas about how to promote your book, you can reach out to us. Digital Book Labs is a leading book marketing company with a track record of success and methods that guarantee progress. We can help both you and your book the exposure that you are yearning for.

Read Our Testimonials from Business Book Authors

Video Testimonials

Our satisfied clients are the core reason for our success and reputation in the industry. We have a track record of delivering excellence through our services. The success of our clients is our motivation. Hence, our experts use an innovative approach and put conscious efforts into transforming the client’s ideas into a reality. By combining creativity, strategy, and technology, we make people’s dreams of becoming authors come true. Here’s what some of our clients say about our work

