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Our Book Marketing for Publishers Helps to Sell Books

Digital Book Labs offers top-notch book marketing services for publishers with pre-defined goals that help in selling books and enhance author recognition. Our team of marketing experts understands that publishers have fixed budgets for marketing, and for that, we make every penny invested worthy with our book marketing services for publishers. We get the best results from our campaigns and we use these results to show publishers that hiring a book marketing agency is an excellent investment that positively impacts ROI. An internal publicist costs more than outsourcing the project to Digital Book Labs.

The goal of our book marketing services is to build a lasting relationship with the clients and provide them with excellent results. We work with new as well as experienced publishers, presses, niche interest publishers, and publishers who only publish e-books. We can handle projects of different sizes and we work independently with our skilled in-house team. Our skilled marketing team employs leading-edge techniques and comes up with unique ideas on how to market a book well and help it stand out from the crowd.

“Working with Digital Book Labs was an absolute pleasure. Their marketing team is very efficient and did an excellent job. I recommend everybody to work with them for their book marketing services.”

Jane Marcus, Publisher at Dinty Books.

Structure of Our Book Marketing Service

At Digital Book Labs, we have the expertise to work collectively with publishers to market the book in various ways. The most common ways are publisher-funded campaigns and author-funded campaigns. Our experience and flexibility allow us to structure publicity campaigns that can get along with any book, budget, or requirement. We also cater to cases where publishers bring us along with their in-house promotion team for the launch of the book when an active campaign is needed. Whatever the case is, we are always at your service with unique ideas, resources, a fantastic contact list, and industrial approaches.

We are one of the leading and successful book marketing agencies, known for publicizing books, and have an outstanding network of contacts to help your book get the recognition that it deserves. Our unique marketing campaign assists publishers in selling books by making use of traditional as well as digital media. We also provide consultancy in which we provide advice for author websites and social media assistance. With our efforts, we help your book reach the target audience. We also offer author marketing services and eBook marketing services. With the increasing competition and titles getting published, in order to stand out, you need to hire professionals to design the best book promotion and publicity campaigns.

Marketing expert from Digital Book Labs with Anna Smith – Publisher at Lexus Publishers

Avail of our book marketing services for publishers. Contact us now!

Test Our Comprehensive Book Promotional Services

We feel confident about our book marketing services; hence, we often ask publishers to test our services by assigning us a short book to publicize. We are committed to providing top-notch services and prove our value by working on new titles. Many famous publishing houses such as Lexus Publishers and Broadside Empire are our clients. We have successfully promoted many books, including:

  • Simon & Schuster
  • Penguin Random House UK
  • Crown Archetype
  • Dutton
  • Crown
  • Running Press
  • Harvard Business Review Press
  • Kogan Page
  • It Books
  • The Penguin Press
  • Henry Holt
  • W. Norton
  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Harper
  • HarperCollins Leadership
  • Random House Inc
  • Scribn
  • Doubleday
  • Free Press
  • Bloomsbury USA
  • William Morrow
  • Wiley
  • Thomas Nelson

Learn more about our customer services by checking our reviews. Read the feedback of publishers.

Let our clients speak for us. Read our testimonials from publishers.

We Also Provide Consultancy Services

At Digital Book Labs, we provide expert consulting services on the following topics:

  • Developing marketing plans
  • Book release planning and timing
  • Author branding including assessing platforms such as social media, blogs, websites, etc.
  • Assistance in developing book covers, web design, editing, layout, cover design, etc
  • Assistance in answering questions throughout the production and promotion process.

Our Creativity Remains Unmatched

We always stay ahead of the competitors by using cutting-edge techniques and tools for promoting books and ebooks. Using bylined articles, we promote authors and their work. All our marketing and promotion campaigns are unique. With our marketing services, we make you and your work newsworthy. We have large contacts in media and using those links, we ensure that your book reaches the right audience through the power of media.

If you are planning to outsource your book project for marketing and promotion, hit us up now and we can help you boost the ROI. We are widely known in the industry for our book marketing services and our skilled staff works on behalf of the client without asking for any accreditation. We are known for our excellent customer service and our innovation in marketing services remains unparalleled. If your project has been turned down by other marketing agencies, don’t get disheartened. We are here to value your work and provide it with the best book marketing services in town. Call us now to avail of our services.

“We had a wonderful working experience with Digital Book Labs. The publicist team was very professional and cooperative. They did an excellent job in promoting my book The Mighty Lovers. The team’s efforts were exceptional and both my work and I secured TV and radio coverage.”

Julian N. Marley – The Mighty Lovers

Compare our pricing and track record with other book marketing and publicizing firms and you can see the difference yourself!

Our book marketing services include the following:

Promotion and Marketing Need to Support Each Other

For an effective marketing strategy, it is necessary to engage all elements of the media. A typical book publicity campaign lasts three months and for some, it is lesser on their request or book requirements. Some campaigns start earlier in terms of work commitments. Some media outlets require ARCs (Advanced Review Copies) that help the editors write articles for that specific book for the right time. Some books have a certain time of the year that they would sell better, so editors publish articles accordingly to provide them with better opportunities but they do need the book copies beforehand so publicity for those authors starts earlier and lasts longer than most.

Authors need to understand that it is not the time or months invested that show results. Each book is different and so some can immediately gather attention but some are too difficult to publicize without a strategic marketing strategy over a long period of time. It comes down to each person, each interview, each article for some books and for some it is just one pre-release tour or interview that can bring the required eye-balls.

Social Media is an Increasingly Effective Promotional Tool

Social media platforms are an extremely effective tool to market books and for authors to attract a fan base. But it is important to not be posting unengaging and overly promotional tweets and posts that may annoy or lead to disengagement from the page or channel. If you are able to provide interesting information, people will be drawn to your website and it will bring free engagements to you.

The book tours and classical events for book launches are an old strategy and just do not work unless the author is well-established. It is mostly social media campaigns that allow authors to send out their messages and interact with their fan base. Holding actual events is difficult because most people do not attend events anymore. It is not a collective community activity anymore.

Author Branding is a Key Component of Book Marketing

In author brand cultivation, also referred to as expert cultivation, is a promotional strategy that allows the promoters to present the authors as experts in their field. This is a way for them to talk about their book. This can include;

  • Lead generation
  • Consulting opportunities
  • Speaking engagements
  • Presentation and workshop invitations

Videos work as an excellent tool to engage viewers; this requires a practice of years to build a channel and create a trustworthy relationship with your fan base that they would take your advice and recommendation. As a result, YouTube channels are very powerful in promoting content. Young people are heavily influenced by these people. It is important to understand the dynamics and requirements of the business and to make limited videos with a certain topic. Long and overly sales-oriented videos will lose followers.

Websites Specializing in Books are Inherently Promotional

After its launch in 2007, Goodreads has worked as a helpful tool in book promotion by providing recommendations by verified accounts of writers and authors who have a large following that considers their recommendation. Any author anywhere around the globe can log onto Goodreads. It is another way for authors to engage with their fans. Once you receive a Goodreads Authors Badge, you’re official and can make recommendations for others. is another opportunity to promote your book. The Where Writers Win author marketing services include author websites, video trailers, advice articles, and social media training. There is a Winner’s Circle, an author vetted site where influencers have posted recommendations, live book clubs, writer’s club and book festivals. Other important tools are PR templates, writing competitions, bookstores, videos etc.

Another fine opportunity is through the Combined Book Exhibit, which has over the many years showcased multiple writers' work at shows and exhibitions. CBE is a low-cost and affordable service for many writers, especially ones in the business that have just started out. Audiences at the shows and exhibitions include librarians, publishers, distributors, booksellers, and consumers. CBE is a great platform to reach your audience in an affordable way without attending to yourself. Authors are offered social media consultation services, book trailer production, autographing services at fairs, and assistance with international rights sales.

Last but Not Least, Paid Reviews

Paid reviews are becoming increasingly popular. In today’s market, they are often included as part of a multi-faceted promotional campaign. Over the years, paid reviews have become a standard practice by many, although frowned upon. And reviews may be paid but trustworthy firms put out their honest opinions. BlueInk Review is a well-respected firm, all their reviews are written by professionals from mainstream publishing houses. It offers multiple services, from articles with marketing and publicity tips to list of essential writing resources.

Are you looking for a book promotion service? Contact us at Digital Book Labs, we will explore different options with you to cater to all your needs, and make sure you reach out to a larger fan base of your genre. Reach out now to avail our services.

Video Testimonials

Our satisfied clients are the core reason for our success and reputation in the industry. We have a track record of delivering excellence through our services. The success of our clients is our motivation. Hence, our experts use an innovative approach and put conscious efforts into transforming the client’s ideas into a reality. By combining creativity, strategy, and technology, we make people’s dreams of becoming authors come true. Here’s what some of our clients say about our work

