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How to Market Your Book through Media

We at Digital Book Labs offer our services in marketing your book to your target audience. Are you looking for a company to market and get your book published by creating the right noise on the right platforms? We are here to provide our services. Our campaigns are devised in a way that follows the standard procedures of covering the conventional ways as well as the new social media platforms and forums that enable us to create a memorial campaign for your book. We are considerate of all the requirements of the digital and conventional media spaces. We book your tours and the other engagements along with the campaign.

We are determined to provide the latest and more result-friendly strategies and techniques to our clientele. We are extremely focused and put in our 100% to provide the highest quality of service to you, regardless of the client size. We welcome fresh, young writers as much as we welcome an established author. Our team of marketing has years of experience that allows them to produce very fine campaigns. We have worked on over 4000 books up till now and hope to grow from strength to strength.

Check out our popular “All Things Book Marketing” podcast here.

Want to use effective techniques for marketing?
Consider these;

Know the Target Audience:Before you go ahead with promoting your book, define your audience, whether you are catering to young science buffs or romance fans? Once you identify your target market then it is much easier to decide the strategies and techniques to use for the promotion tour. Your campaign is supposed to be targeted and will have customized features that excite your audience. Get on with it, then!

Digital Book Labs Team, 2019

Create a website:In the digital era, it is important to show your digital footprint and make it engaging for the viewer. You should start with your website, write an appealing bio and author description that interests your audience. Share your work, articles, blogs, etc. Ask and engage with other writers, authors, editors, and producers on your website. Show your portfolio and take feedback from your viewers/readers.

Utilize social media:Use it to your advantage, it is free and allows you complete control of your content and how you put it out. You have a large audience at your disposal that is willing to buy into your ideas as long as it is shown attractively. It is a way to engage with journalists, editors, and other writers too. Read up about social media promotion.

Start a Blog:A writer must have a blog; it is a writing portfolio for you and your potential employer. It is an important way to reach out to potential readers, and for them to find you through your specific niche genre. Provide access to your blog on your social media platforms for better connectivity with your fan base.

Enter a competition:Going the competition route is very successful in our times. Have you seen all the music reality shows? Do you want to be the next Harry Styles or Adam Lambert? If yes, then get yourself listed for a few competitions. It is not about winning the competition but meeting the right people, editors, and producers that need to see your work.

Connect with the media:The media is your best friend when it comes to publicity of any kind, you need to interact with media channels and entertainment journalists to get you into the right rooms and finally into an interview that will provide the right coverage for your targeted audience. Use your writing skills and write pitches for channels about why you would be an excellent interviewee for them and land that interview, potentially. Learn through your experience and do better each time.

Create a mailing list:Keep a mailing list and make it beneficial for your fan base. Give updates about your work, new releases, write blogs, articles, sell merchandise, and send advance copies or chapters to a committed fan base. Make this an engaging and interactive activity that your fans and you build together. Make it part of your author brand.

Attend conferences:Conferences are the best place to find like-minded people that may be beneficial for your career graph, editors, book reviewers, booksellers, and even readers. If and when you have finally published a book, you can be invited to speak as a guest in these conferences and exhibitions so do not miss that opportunity.

Get rave reviews:Reach out to authors, writers, and book reviewers with free, advance copies of your book and ask for their reviews. Send a bunch of copies to your friends and ask for their honest reviews too and post them on your website and other social media platforms according to the aesthetic. Everyone reads reviews before buying or subscribing to a particular product or service.

Create a press release:Use the content of your book and relate it to a relevant issue in the news that makes it worthy of attention. Explain your expertise on the subject so you’re considered a credible source on the topic.

Put together a media kit:Get a media kit designed and make it presentable and load it with everything you’ve got. Although everything is now digital, it would be good to take a printed copy of your business cards, book cover, a headshot, basic biography, information about your book, and where it is available. Additionally, add your book reviews and press releases to your portfolio for further information.

Tempt your readers:The most successful books are series books; they have the loyalty factor attached to the characters. Harry Potter, case in point. It is noted that they create more buzz than any solo book ever could. Most big sales are now celebrity books or series books. Not all writers are willing to do so neither are they very good at it. But it is still the best way to make a successful mark as a writer.

Connect with fellow alumni:Using your high school, college and university is a good idea as it can generate a platform for you to broadcast your book and upcoming events on there as often as you are producing books. Get yourself listed on the book list so that every time there is a need to generate awareness you can reach out.

Create a sense of urgency:Offer coupons, giveaways, and limited-time offers that create excitement within your followers and get their attention. It could dramatically improve sales for your book, and garner more viewer attention.

Take new angles:As soon as the book is out, many marketers stop promoting their book. This is a failed strategy; you should keep building awareness and find new ways to engage fans and potential customers to your book. Find new ways to highlight your book.

Post Videos:Creating videos is a tried and tested tool for engagement and fairs better than a large chunk of texts, people prefer watching an animation or video rather than reading. Make fun and informative videos with the plot, quotes, characters, and book cover of your book. And market that to your fan base.

Hold book reading:Book readings are a great way to begin an association with readers. Based on your viewers, you can hold one at a local school, coffee shop, hospital, library, or bookstore. It is a conventional but effective way to attract readers to your book and inform them about the story and release date.

Contribute to forums and discussions:

Leave comments and your views about a particular book or piece of writing on the net for others to view, show your author identity, and interact with other opinion-makers too. Be constructive and educational, make it a good environment for learning for everyone involved.

Run an ad:To reach your ideal audience, send out a targeted ad on social media platforms. If your book is centered around a specific time of the year, for example, it is Christmas then invest more heavily during that time of the year for better results.

For a Successful Book Promotion Campaign, you need the Right Platforms

At Digital Book Labs, we are determined to make your book a success. We have worked with many established writers and new talent and promoted their books with the same zeal and zest. We never discriminate with our clientele and so have lasted so long in the business. Our team of marketing is passionate about the publishing business and marketing of books, as a result, we employ different and exciting strategies to sell a book to the audiences. We are the ideal company for you to trust your book promotion with, we will not disappoint you. Reach out to us for any questions or queries.

Click here to learn all of our Book Publicity Services and Author Publicity Solutions.

Video Testimonials

Our satisfied clients are the core reason for our success and reputation in the industry. We have a track record of delivering excellence through our services. The success of our clients is our motivation. Hence, our experts use an innovative approach and put conscious efforts into transforming the client’s ideas into a reality. By combining creativity, strategy, and technology, we make people’s dreams of becoming authors come true. Here’s what some of our clients say about our work

