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Children’s and YA Book Marketing, Promotion and Publicity

Marketing for Children’s Books

“Digital Book Labs helped me promote my book for children by identifying where my book’s marketing was lacking. They filled all the loopholes in the marketing process and created an amazing marketing strategy. My book went from the back of the shelves in book stores to the best-selling section in just a few months, and all the credit goes to Digital Book Labs. “

Angela Harrington – Author of Fading Creeps

Important Elements of a Children’s Book Promotion Campaign

  • Media Materials
  • Pitch submission to magazines and newspapers
  • Generating reviews from authentic sources
  • Author branding and promotional events
  • Book launch and book signing events
  • Media outreach – TV segments, radio shows, Podcasts
  • Promotion by bloggers and influencers
  • Engaging social media and author website content

Marketing a book written for children and young adults is almost the same as adult book marketing, but there are a few add-ons. For marketing children’s and young adult books, expertise is required to make the book and the author newsworthy. Identification of the right population to target along with the age-appropriateness and many other factors are required to be considered. The marketing programs are often directed towards parents and grandparents as they are the ones who buy books for the young ones.

Just like any other book, a children’s book also needs media exposure to gain the response that it deserves. It means that captivating parents’ and grandparents’ by the book can help increase the sales of your book. Digital Book Labs creates unique campaigns that are strategized keeping in mind the audience. A book that has an attractive design and attention-grabbing titles can help the book stand out from the crowd and make its own place in the market.

Increase in Competition Every Year

With the increase in the self-publishing rate of books, there has been an exponential growth in the book industry. More and more books in every genre are coming to the market, including books for children and young adults. Parents and grandparents love to tell their kids the stories that they used to love when they were young, back then. Some of those famous stories still take place in the best-selling section, making the competition even tougher. Considering all these factors, if you think that marketing a book for children is a tough and competitive area, you are thinking right.

If your book manages to get attention in the world of children, it can then last in the market for a long time. Along with creating marketing strategies for parents and grandparents, marketing can also focus on other aspects to build a strong rapport with the author's brand. Marketing for teachers and librarians can also help in increasing the popularity of your book as their recommendations are considered by both children and their parents. The most important key to your children's book’s success is to reach different groups who can help promote your book.

Promotion of Book Using Media Coverage and Features

Media outreach marketing campaigns for children and young adult books can help in garnering more audience by targeting groups that are responsible for purchasing books on behalf of children and young adults. This is where Digital Book Labs steps in. Our book marketing services include promoting books through media coverage and print media features. Using our contacts in the media, we arrange different interviews, segments, shows, features, blog mentions, podcasts, etc. to promote the book to the right audience.

Author Branding is Important

Writing multiple titles can be helpful. Once the author becomes trusted and well-known in the market, buyers are more likely to purchase more of their books. Therefore, building an author brand is important. Author branding can benefit a lot in the long run, as when the audience becomes familiar with the author’s name and they like the previous work, they will purchase the next time by the author’s name. So, these small things can help in maximizing chances and opportunities for the future. Every opportunity for author branding should be availed of and taken advantage of.

When a person buys a book for children, the choice is often made based on the credibility and trustworthiness of the author. Likewise, teachers and librarians know of authors that they find resourceful, and they recommend their reading material to children and young adults. Hence, when you create a book for children and young adults, author branding plays a significant role. If you are planning on taking it as a full-time career, we can help you built a strong image with our author branding services.

Innovative Marketing Tactics That Drive Great Results

If you have written a book on the fiction genre for children, it will take both creativity as well as time to gain visibility. While most of the authors start the process of marketing by getting in touch with large media networks on a national and international level, we believe that the best results can be achieved by scaling up from local media to regional and then finally to national & international media. It gives your book and you as an author, a great opportunity to get better results and earn respect.

Newspapers, radio shows, websites, and TV shows have a natural inclination towards local and regional authors. The pitch material created for local media can become a pitch for regional, national, and international media in the future. You can use links to these media coverage to your author's website and your social media accounts to improve your credibility. When you collect more links over time, these can help you create a platform that helps in gaining the interest of producers at large media enterprises. Airing on a podcast can be beneficial as you don’t know who is on the hearing side, your abilities can impress the person on the other end, leading to you as an author and your book, getting more opportunities.

For children’s and YA author testimonials click here.


Hi, this is Mathew James, Vice President of the marketing department at Digital Book Labs. Today I am going to talk about three top tips that can help you promote your children's or young adult book.

Tip number one is to arrange blog tours. Blogs tours are excellent to be visible in front of influential media contacts. You can do interviews that are featured across fifteen to twenty blogs. It’s an amazing way to promote your book and message to the right audience out there.

Tip number two is pitching illustrations. Do not hesitate to pitch your illustrations. If you are good at illustrations, use your skills to get done with it. They can make your presentations appealing as they are good for slideshows. Include the presentation in your blog tours and let the images convey the story of your book.

Tip number three is cover real. Cover reals are very important as they help in introducing your book and message to the audience, and say “Hi, my book is about to launch, have a sneak peek at its cover.” People love it and it makes them curious, compelling them to purchase your book once it launches.

I hope these tips help you promote your book effectively. Thank you, and all the best.

Thank you, and good luck.

Video Testimonials

Our satisfied clients are the core reason for our success and reputation in the industry. We have a track record of delivering excellence through our services. The success of our clients is our motivation. Hence, our experts use an innovative approach and put conscious efforts into transforming the client’s ideas into a reality. By combining creativity, strategy, and technology, we make people’s dreams of becoming authors come true. Here’s what some of our clients say about our work

