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Non-Fiction Book Marketing Services

How Non-Fiction Books Suit Well for The Book Publicity Campaigns

  • Non-fiction books have real-life topics that can result in better author interviews and great stories for print media.
  • These books provide the readers with:
    • Advice to lead better lives
    • Ways to resolve common issues
    • Assist entrepreneurs and businesses
    • Gain insights into the current trends and events
    • Learn from the history, issues, and the controversies
  • Several non-fiction authors are perfect to be the media sources for skillful commentary on the ongoing trends, news, and hot topics.

Get in touch with us today and learn how we can make your book stand out in clutters of books with our next-level marketing tactics

Non-fiction books carry practical, strong, and real information, making them ideal for book publicity campaigns. The media responds well when it comes to promoting non-fiction books on different topics such as business, political, self-help, history, spirituality, and all other non-fiction genres. Media coverage can prove to be very beneficial for non-fiction genres as they are presented by the media persuasively and purely.

Digital Book Labs knows how to make your book the star of media by putting your book in the spotlight. We understand how radio shows, TV interviews, and features in articles or print media can improve the fate of your book and improve the lives of the readers.

With our non-fiction book marketing and promotion services, you will be assisted by a team that specializes in using angles and compelling aspects that can improve the digital as well as traditional exposure for your book. We use these techniques to secure a hot place for your work in the market.

Author Marketing Plays a Significant Role

When addressing broadcast interviews, nobody interviews a book, but the person who is behind the book is the one that is interviewed. The more exposure the author gets, the more the book gets exposure, and vice-versa. Speaking from our expertise, we believe that marketing the author is as important as promoting the book.

Print and digital media are always on the lookout for individuals who can offer information that is resourceful, controversial, engaging, enlightening, or controversial. Non-fiction discussions can be close to real-life, compelling, and interesting that keep the audience engaged. This is why non-fiction book promotion campaigns can be very fruitful and can be featured in different interviews, stories, commentaries, reviews, articles, and much more.

Have a look at our famous podcast “All Things Book Marketing”, here:

When an author creates a non-fiction book, he or she is the expert on the book’s subject, whether he/she understands it or not. Why is that so? Because they are perceived to be experts as they wrote a whole book on the topic. In simple words, in book marketing and promotion, you are what we display you as. If the author is displayed and promoted as an expert, the audience and media will refer to him/her as an expert. The only thing we ask from the author is to leave their shyness aside and participate in the campaign along with us. We take every measure using our varied collection of book promotion and author promotion services, to make the author’s name and the book the talk of the town.

Video Testimonials

Our satisfied clients are the core reason for our success and reputation in the industry. We have a track record of delivering excellence through our services. The success of our clients is our motivation. Hence, our experts use an innovative approach and put conscious efforts into transforming the client’s ideas into a reality. By combining creativity, strategy, and technology, we make people’s dreams of becoming authors come true. Here’s what some of our clients say about our work

